Marissa Sams
Taking a Stand for Herself and her Team Empowered Marissa Sams as she Grew Her 7 Figure Event Company!
Guest: Marissa Sams
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Her family's international work gave Marissa a multi-dimensional view of the world and a wider viewpoint for strategy building.
Marissa’s mission: help people create spaces where all can feel comfortable and heard.
Key Takeaways:
Create a professional sphere of influence and make sure that it’s a give/get relationship - give more that you are looking to get from the connection
Be curious when networking, focus on meeting a few key people and have quality conversations as opposed to making contacts for the sake of contacts (it’s about quality, not quantity)
Stand up for yourself, your team and what you believe is right
Be willing to have uncomfortable conversations with clients or employees if there are issues of disrespect
Evaluate your staffing needs in relation to the scope of work that you are providing and consider a blend of outsourced support vs. staff employees to find the right blend that works for you.
What do you feel is one of your keys to success?
The ability to realize that we each have a unique set of experiences and a unique set of gifts and being committed to sharing with the right people.
Perspective: In taking a looking back, Marissa would:
Take time to have fun, work a little less
Be more present
Appreciate the small things
Make time to just relax
Celebrate and own your victories
Don't worry about what other people think - their opinion is none of your business!
It’s a marathon, not a sprint. So pace yourself and take care of yourself
Best Piece of advice Marissa ever received was from her grandmother: meekly, wait and murmur not. Have patience.
Find out more:
Marissa Sams
Marissa Sams Events
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