Nora Tobin


How Nora Tobin used grit, resilience, determination (and LinkedIn!) to land some of her biggest, GLOBAL corporate clients and become a Wellness Expert!

Guest: Nora Tobin

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Did you ever meet someone whose energy and light shines so bright that you can’t help but want to know this person… well, that’s Nora Tobin! 

 This incredible human being will inspire you with her journey of how she went from couch surfing and living out of her van chasing her dreams of being a professional volleyball player -  and turned it into a super successful, global business including her role as The Health and Wellness Partner for Marriott International and other Fortune 500 companies!  Hear how LinkedIn played a role.

Hear about her grit, resiliency and determination combined with her grass roots approach to proof of concept, helped her identify a gap in wellness related to travel and create a niche which has expanded to on-property programs, retreats, interim/online videos and her client interfacing programs. 

RealTalk moment:  Nora shares how a nightmare that could have destroyed her reputation (and career)  became one of her greatest life lessons!  We talk strategy, her tips regarding systems that she uses to manage her prospecting, outreach and projects.

Plus, she gives you Three Impactful Tips to Quickly and Easily make time for yourself,  improve your wellbeing…and hello… reduce fat and improve your sex drive!!  I’m not kidding – and she’s talking only 15 minutes a day!  You want to hear this for sure.


  • Don’t be afraid to say No to things/people/situations that do not serve you.  

  • Recognize and embrace your own inner strength and resilience and let it empower you.

  • Focus on things that are IMPACTFUL, not time consuming when it comes to wellness.  

  • Give yourself protected time daily - non-negotiable time for yourself each day, even if it’s just 15 minutes.

  • Take some deep breaths, while sitting in silence.  Follow this pattern:  deep breath in, hold for a three count, exhale for a five count.  Repeat this several times.  Why?  This puts your body into a parasympathetic state, which means that you're entering your day from a place of calm and focus rather than fight or flight (where our cortisol rises and ladies, cortisolpulls from your thyroid or estrogen, which equates to holding on to fat or lowering your sex drive!  So take those deep breaths!)

  • Get moving - do some kind of movement to get your energy going.

  • Write in a gratitude journal, or go through the process of thinking about what you are grateful for, as you set the tone for your day.  

Tip:  When we express gratitude and receive the same, our brain releases dopamine and serotonin, the two crucial neurotransmitters responsible for our emotions, and they make us feel ‘good’. They enhance our mood immediately, making us feel happy from the inside.

By consciously practicing gratitude everyday, we can help these neural pathways to strengthen themselves and ultimately create a permanent grateful and positive nature within ourselves.

Find out more:

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