Wendy Pease


English is NOT the global language! Who knew? What you MUST know if you are Marketing Your Business Globally

Guest: Wendy Pease

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Wendy Pease is on a mission: to unite people across languages and cultures.  In this episode of the RealTalk podcast, Wendy shares insights, tips and strategies to help entrepreneurs evaluate and consider marketing globally, as well as the benefits of investing in proper, high-quality translation to market in different languages.

Key Takeaways:

Exporting Advise:  Consider leveraging grants from the Federal Government to grow and scale through exporting.

Marketing Globally:  

  • 90% of people would rather spend time on a site that is in their native language and more than 50% said they would pay more

  • English is NOT the global language - people want to converse in their native language, so although they may be capable of speaking English, they prefer to interact in their native tongue.

  • The United States does not have an official language!

  • ROI: sales, brand recognition, engagement

  • Many companies start by marketing to other English speaking countries - but you could be going into an extremely competitive market instead of spending a small amount on translation

RealTalk Tip:  When considering exporting to another country:  Figure out what the biggest markets for your products or service (look at your google analytics + market research)

  • Advice: Pick one country and master that and then move on to pursuing other countries/languages

  • Be careful about free translations like Google Translate for things like quality/in-depth translations. AI (Artificial Intelligence) translation is good for words, more than phrases… particularly generational or dual meanings, geographic use of words, dialect… so to ensure that you are paying for quality

  • Determine if you need to globalize your marketing or localize (b to b will tend to lean globalized and b to c will tend to lean localized)

  • Localization: is marketing to a local region - especially if you are a consumer product

  • Cultural: think about the cultural traditions, positions, standards for doing business so that you understand expectations when traveling abroad

  • The second largest Spanish Speaking country in the world is the US! So think about the benefits of converting your marketing even if you are not planning to export.

When thinking about going global, some things to consider are:

  • What is your buyer or consumer’s journey?

    • What’s their and what can solve my problem

    • What solutions are out there

    • Easy way to buy

  • So if you look at your website, what does your site offer to walk prospects through that journey, is your site clear?

  • Which pages would you then want/need to convert/translate to a micro site, in the additional language

  • Consider converting your FAQ or Chat Bot into the additional language?


STEP funding for Federal Grants:  https://www.rapporttranslations.com/blog/us-small-business-association-step-grant-initiative

Understanding and Managing Cash Flow:

  • Learn what your breakeven numbers look like

  • Put systems in place to ensure that you understand your numbers

  • Have a line of credit in place - an emergency fund

  • Develop a relationship with your banker - BEFORE you need it

  • Understand the difference between good debt and bad debt

Networking Tips:

  • You never know where your business is going to come from

  • Going into networking from the perspective of getting to know people and find ways to give/help/connect.  “Givers Gain”

  • Build relationships

Book:  You, You, Me, You by Jayne Mattson

LinkedIn is the same as physical networking: 

  • Find common ground

  • Chime in to discussions

  • Set a goal to connect and get followers based on Giving/Sharing content that helps people (and relates to your product/service/industry in some capacity)

  • Create a content calendar regarding what you want to post to bring value

  • Engage: answer questions, comment on other people’s content

  • Build time to do the engagement part so that you are not a phantom


Leading Change Course from People Biz Inc.

Book:  Traction by Gino Wickman

RealTalk - best piece of advice Wendy ever received:  Hire Slow, Fire Fast!

Perspective:  In taking a looking back, Wendy would:

  • Have recognized that she’s not alone

  • Believe in herself more

  • Trust herself in decision making

  • Ask for help or advice when she needed it

Find out more:


Guest:  Wendy Pease

Company:  Rapport International

Listen and Subscribe on: Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play

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