Generating Revenue and Maximizing Cash Flow


It’s all about the cash.  In times of crisis, and in particular the recent Covid-19 Pandemic, you need to have a secure handle on cash flow, a backup plan and know what to do in case of emergency.  

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As you know, cash flow starts with the money coming in - generating revenue quickly, especially in challenging times.  It also requires getting strategic and lowering your costs, expenses and slowing down how fast the cash goes out the door.  

There are five key strategies that you can utilize to QUICKLY and EASILY generate sales revenue and improve your cash flow.  

In this episode we dive in to:

  • Inbound Revenue Generation and the strategies to leverage existing clients (you’re biggest fans) and focus on ways to attract new customers.

  • Outbound Cash Flow and Accounts Payables strategies and specific tips to evaluate your cash flow, urgent modifications to spend and payables

  • Vendor and Supply Chain Management - negotiating better pricing and terms and exploring new vendors

  • Time Management and Prioritization Strategies that can help you double or triple your revenue

  • Banking Relationships and Financial Tools to strategically leverage existing banking relationships and explore and utilize financial tools that save you time and money 

We’ve got a cheat sheet for you too - click here to download a breakdown of The Five Key Strategies which include a ton of valuable information, links, scripts and more.  


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